Monday, March 4, 2013

HOW TO ACCESS THE BLOCKED SITE (Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, MySpace etc)

HOW TO ACCESS THE BLOCKED SITE (Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, MySpace etc)

Step1. Download Ultra surf any version and keep in your system directory.

Step2.  Locate the exe file “u1201.exe” in your system directory.

Step3. Double Click on exe file “u1201.exe.

 Step4. Clicking on exe file “u1201.exe will display the window & IE page as

Step5. Close the IE page & minimize the window titled as Ultra Surf 12.0.1

Step6. Check the below screenshots. You can find the fire burning icon along with golden lock. It’s indication that the proxy is set & you can surf the page.

Now you can surf………………………………..what you want.


If you don’t want someone to see the golden lock in your system tray, Just follow the below process.

Step1. Right click on Ultra surf icon. Click on options.

Step2. Check the Hide golden Lock. Note it will effect from next time you open the ultra surf.

Note: If you want to reset again. Just right click on ultra surf icon & click on exit. It will reset your proxy setting as before.
